Commercial 18,000L metal heating oil tank removal near Dorset
Eco Tank Services was contacted and requested to not only remove the current main storage tank and secondary tank that was sourcing the oil for backup generator, but also to provide a new temporary storage tank to ensure that there are no heating disruptions on this National Trust site, while all work takes place.
As the work was to be carried out on a National Trust site, our customer was extra cautious about how the work will be handled from start to finish. The job had to be completed on a very tight schedule during working hours and to not cause any disruptions to the visitors to the site.
This site represented various challenges – such as removal of secondary fuel storage tank that was sourcing the Rolls Royce backup generator and further decommissioning and removal of the generator using the crane. Installation of a temporary bunded fuel storage tank and fuel line to feed customers two boilers 24/7, deconstruction and removal of wooden roof covering the tank and masonry bund, filtration and transfer of the good fuel from old main storage tank to the newly installed temporary tank, removal of the excess oil waste and tank decommissioning, further tank disassembly and uplift of potentially contaminated water from the masonry bund and further cleaning of the bund.
Our team was up to the task and managed to complete all required work well within our given schedule and up to customers` satisfaction. All together this took us less than 3 working days to complete.
Have you got a similar problem to solve? Our team can suggest the best option.
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